Youth Group Helps at YLM

Youth ministry across denominations have one area in common –service to others.  On July 24th, YLM was host and recipient of a youth group of 23 from St. John Paul Catholic Church, who came to help put together hygiene kits and backpacks with school supplies, to be distributed at the quickly approaching Back-To-School Health Fair on August 17th.

During this event, which has taken place at the YLM campus for the past five years, not only will backpacks filled with school and hygiene supplies be distributed to those in the surrounding community who have registered, but 300 food baskets will be given out, above the usual 300 already prepared for the usual Saturday Distribution.

This group of teenagers worked diligently for two hours, having split up into two teams to simultaneously assemble backpacks and hygiene kits, completing over 700 backpacks ready for school-aged children.

“They kept going until we ran out of items,” Marisa De Santiago, YLM’s long-time volunteer who helps oversee different areas of distribution, shared how hard the group worked Wednesday morning, “Thanks to their help, we completed a good amount of backpacks, but considering we already have over 900 registered to receive backpacks here in El Paso alone, we definitely need more supplies, both school and hygiene.”

It was a wonderful experience for all involved to watch dedicated teenagers find a way to bless others through their hard work.  After certain supplies ran out –we’re in desperate need for shampoo, toothpaste, and body wash, along with pencil sharpeners, colored pencils and crayons –the group headed over to the YLM Dining Hall to enjoy the enchilada plates being offered.

“We were able to collect more money than usual,” Antonia Piñeda, one of the Hot Meal Program’s volunteer cooks shared how the group of 23 enjoyed their meal, “They were a great blessing, and it was joyful to have a full Dining Hall of people enjoying my cooking.”

All around, this youth group learned a precious lesson attached to serving others –when done with willing hands and a cheerful heart, the fruits of their hard work will reach beyond the immediate results.

“When we serve others so we can share the Good News, it doesn’t matter where we’re from,” Rev. Dr. Karl Heimer smiled as he heard about the group’s dedication, “What matters is we’re the hands and feet of the One who served us first.  It’s the reason why we, in turn, serve others.”

If you’re seeking to learn how to serve others, YLM will help you find your servant heart as you directly and indirectly impact and inspire more people than you’ll be aware of.  Thank you, St. John Paul Youth Ministry, for putting love into action and changing lives through simple acts of kindness!