There is joy in reuniting with friends after many years, a joy increased because love and shared dreams are still a part of their friendship. This is how it felt when Ysleta Lutheran Mission Human Care (YLM) attended the Mexico FORO in Mexico City, where pastors and church leaders of the Mexico Lutheran Synod, along with LCMS pastors facilitating the growth of the Lutheran church in Mexico, came together to discuss and collaborate for the future of Mexico Lutheran churches.

Pastor Misael Tovar, representing our missions in Chihuahua, and Karla González, YLM’s Interim Executive Director, were warmly welcomed by the leaders of the Synod of Mexico and the Facilitators of the Mexico FORO on April 10th and 11th. What an awe-inspiring visit it was!

Karla was invited by the president of the Mexico Lutheran Synod to share about YLM, which allowed sharing YLM’s goal to help churches grow by providing needed resources and partnerships to serve their communities. Pastor Tovar’s account of the ministry taking place at the Chihuahua missions, Iglesia Luterana Gloria Dei and Iglesia Luterana San Esteban, gave witness to YLM’s commitment to serve as a bridge between missional churches and the needs of their communities.

The time together opened the doors for relationships to be restored, new connections to be made, and for the casting of a vision for the future of the Lutheran church in Mexico, which promises to cultivate and nurture deeply needed unity in faith among the missions in Juarez, Chihuahua, and all of Mexico. Truly, God reveals Himself as a God of forgiveness, redemption, restoration, unity, and unwavering hope. Let us lift our voices in praise for our Risen Christ and His boundless power!

Guided by His loving hand, these church leaders are embarking on a journey teeming with new possibilities, which we believe will bless our missions in Juarez and Chihuahua. In doing so, we will ensure your support extends to even the remotest corners yet remains as close as the cherished bonds shared among dear friends with hearts knit together in mission.

Stay tuned for developing news as YLM turns the page to a new chapter of a renewed partnership with the brothers and sisters in Christ in Mexico!