SAIC Sponsors Families for Christmas

SAIC sponsored 11 families for Christmas through YLM

For several years, SAIC has been sponsoring children and their parents through Ysleta Lutheran Mission Human Care (YLM).  From one to three families, sometimes four, they’ve provided gifts for children and parents, along with boxes of food for their Christmas meal.

This year, they reached out to ask if YLM could help them find eleven families to sponsor for this Christmas, sharing how they had more than usual employees signing up to share some Christmas joy in this way.

Smiling eyes showed their joy at the gifts received

“I wasn’t sure how we were going to do this,” Miguel Muñoz, facilitator of Donations and Distributions at YLM, explained shortly after getting the call, “We always ensure to find families who are in real need and approach them with respect and dignity regarding this blessing.  We sometimes struggle in trying to find two, possibly three, families who are in need and willing to receive this help.”

God’s blessings on this difficult year did not end with the seemingly difficult task to find eleven families who would need and appreciate the help to make Christmas special for all of them.  As YLM sought to find these families, a way was provided to extend these blessings to young children and their parents.

“A social worker from Region 19 called us,” Maritza Hernandez-Muñoz, Office Administrator for San Pablo Lutheran Church, “She shared how she had many families who were struggling and in need.  We were glad to partner with YLM and SAIC to bring joy into their lives.”

Joy was obvious on the faces of this young family as they loaded up their gifts and food boxes

The week before Christmas, a group of SAIC employees arrived with gifts for thirty-one people, children and parents, and food boxes for the eleven families.  It was a joy to see the thick plastic bags filled with wrapped boxes, knowing those boxes will help lift spirits and make this hard year a little more hopeful for many.

“We are not only so thankful to SAIC for sponsoring these families,” Rev Dr. Karl Heimer, CEO of YLM and Senior Pastor at San Pablo Lutheran Church, shared after the families had come to pick up their gifts to have at home for Christmas, “But we’re grateful to have a connection with Region 19, where so many families are struggling and living from paycheck to paycheck, sometimes having to go without things like Christmas gifts for their kids.  We can help make a difference in their lives.”

God has truly blessed YLM, not only with people willing to give generously as the SAIC employees were, but also with people who need to experience His love through these simple yet generous acts of kindness.