Rain or Shine

Volunteers worked inside the Food Warehouse to keep food boxes dry as much as possible

The amount of rain El Paso has experienced in the last month can impact many events, but despite the steady drizzle on a Saturday morning, the Ysleta Lutheran Mission Human Care (YLM) Food Pantry Drive-Thru still distributed close to 100 food boxes with much needed meal staples and produce.

The core group of volunteers were willing and ready to help despite the constant rain

“There weren’t as many people as we usually get,” Maritza, member of San Pablo Lutheran Church and long-time volunteer at YLM, shared the week after that rainy Saturday, “We’re not used to this amount of rain, so many people assumed we would have cancelled the Drive-Thru, but for those who really have a need, they came hoping that would not be the case.”

Due to growing puddles in the unpaved area around the Food Warehouse, a change in how the vehicles were directed needed to be made to avoid creating ruts in the soft ground.

“The core team of volunteers are about ten and they came ready to serve that day, despite the rain,” Miguel, Donations and Distribution Facilitator at YLM, explained, “We had rain jackets and ponchos, set up canopies and placed the tables where we assemble boxes inside the Food Warehouse.  It worked out well.”

CrossPoint members worked together to distribute to over 100 vehicles

Produce boxes were loaded up in trunks and backseats by CrossPoint’s new Senior Pastor

A week later, under the shade of those same canopies used to keep volunteers from getting completely soaked, a group of CrossPoint Church members worked to fill boxes with cereal, tuna, granola, and other dry good items.  The shade was greatly appreciated as the sun was already heating up the morning.

“This is normal weather for us,” Rev. Dr. Karl Heimer, CEO of YLM, shared, “We are very grateful for the people that volunteer to help the food ministry take place, rain or shine.  We really appreciate all our volunteers.”

Due to these record breaking rains, several buildings have suffered water damage, as well as parking lots and unpaved roads within the YLM campus, yet the mission work continues to take place.

“We had to change the way vehicles exit our campus after they receive their food boxes,” Juan Hernandez, YLM’s Maintenance Director, explained prior to last week’s distribution, “The road behind the warehouse, which is what people were using to leave, was really torn up after the distribution on that rainy Saturday.  We won’t be using it until we are able to even it out.”

Despite the limited funds for repairs on rain damaged buildings and grounds, the ministry areas of mercy continue to take place thanks to the many who seek to bring God’s life-changing love through simple acts of kindness.