Motivated and Dedicated

The need for volunteers to serve at Ysleta Lutheran Mission Human Care (YLM) is always on-going, but it is especially necessary on Saturday mornings, when the Emergency Food Pantry Drive-Thru works to serve over two hundred families who come for supplemental food baskets, either in vehicle or on foot.

Servant Event team members have been able to help on some of the Saturday mornings, and churches such as Ascension Lutheran Church, Zion Lutheran Church, and Crosspoint Church, commit to get members of their congregation to serve. The Zaragoza Rotary Club also comes to give of their time and labor to assemble and distribute boxes filled with produce, non-perishable items, and at times, poultry, meat, and pastry treats.

On November 18th, over 20 members -and their families -of Delta Company from Ft. Bliss returned to YLM to help at the Food Pantry Drive-Thru. Their camaraderie and teamwork, along with the laughter and teasing, gives evidence of a group of men and women who have developed deep bonds in their service to community and country.

“Every one of them shared how much they enjoyed helping,” a staff member of YLM shared afterwards, along with photos of the group working, “They expressed their appreciation for what YLM is doing for the people of our community.”

It is an amazing experience for all who get the opportunity to serve others to see the way God illuminates His love and compassion for mankind. For these brave men and women, who have committed their very lives to help keep others save, to express the joy of what takes place through YLM was especially encouraging for all who work and volunteer.

The dedicated time and effort given by these Delta Company soldiers, and their families, ensured a smooth distribution of food baskets throughout the two hours of service. The time these men, women and children spent as they loaded food boxes, watermelons, and other food items into vehicles, as well as carts for those who came on foot with big smiles made an impact on all involved.

This impact goes beyond the provision of food, as the opportunity to serve others together helps foster unity and a spirit of cheerful giving. It is through these acts of kindness where many are inspired to help their fellow man, bringing the love and compassion of God to people in need in tangible ways.

If you would like more information on how you, your family, church, co-workers, or students can volunteer on Saturday mornings for YLM’s Food Pantry Drive-Thru, call (915) 858-2588.