Mission-Churches in Anapra Hosts Dental Clinic

In a collaborative effort put forth by three mission-minded churches, two of them in Mexico, and Ysleta Lutheran Mission Human Care (YLM), a dental mission team came through El Paso and the Mexican Government to offer quality dental care in the poverty stricken neighborhood of Anapra.

Rosy Lira, deaconess at San Lucas, Santa Biblia and Cristo Rey, picked up kids and adults for the dental clinic

Iglesias Luterana San Lucas and La Santa Biblia, both located in Rancho Anapra, Juarez, hosted a three-day dental clinic, where over fifty people were seen for routine teeth cleaning, fillings, and even extractions.  “I saw a lot of these people last year,” the dentist shared with a laugh, “They came back, so I must be doing something right.”

For many, dental care is not only an expensive luxury, but it can be a dreaded event.  The dental team, having been doing this mission of mercy for ten years now, made sure to treat every patient they saw with respect, care, and compassion.

Young and old received caring care from the dental mission team hosted by San Lucas and Santa Biblia

“It was great to see all those bright smiles,” Rev. Javier Lozano, pastor at both San Lucas and La Santa Biblia, shared in regards to this humanitarian effort, “Many of the people in Anapra struggle to survive on less than $100 a week.  Dental care is the last thing they worry about when shelter, food and clothing are detrimental to them and their families.”

Anapra is a colonía of Juarez, and one of the poorest.  Through mission churches like San Lucas and La Santa Biblia, people struggling to survive from one day to the next, receive hope through the giving kindness of mission-minded people such as the dental care team.

The dental team was busy from morning to evening as people kept coming, one after the other, for dental care

“Whether its building a small two-room house or giving them food and school supplies for their children,” Rosy Lira, deaconess at three mission-churches partnering with YLM, explained the impact their ministry of mercy has on the people of Anapra, “The people here are very appreciative, and open to helping one another.  God moves mightily in this neighborhood, there’s no doubt.”

With mission teams coming into Anapra from different US states, and at times even Canada, the disadvantaged people of Anapra are not only experiencing God’s love and mercy in tangible ways, but their lives are being radically changed.  This is evident from the growing numbers in both congregations of San Lucas and La Santa Biblia.

YLM was grateful to be the bridge between the Mexico mission-churches and the dental mission team.  Many thanks to all involved to make this simple act of kindness possible.