Mariachi San Pablo brings Gozo to Detainees

The word gozo -Spanish for joy -can invoke a wealth of emotions, especially when it’s paired up with the music of Mariachi San Pablo during the Christmas season.  For 384 immigration detainees, men and women, it was certainly an experience of Christmas joy when Mariachi San Pablo accompanied Rev Dr. Karl Heimer, CEO of Ysleta Lutheran Mission Human Care (YLM) and Pastor of San Pablo Lutheran Church.

“There wasn’t an empty seat during the women’s service,” Rev. David E. Semmens, chaplain at ICE Detention Facility, shared in an e-mail to Pastor Heimer and Miguel Muñoz, Assistant Director to Adelante Ministries of YLM, “It was heartwarming to see those detained able to pray and sing with you at the Christmas service.”

For Pastor Heimer, reaching out to those incarcerated or detained is more than a passion; it is a calling straight from Matthew 25.  “These people are far from their homes, from their families, and their churches,” Pastor Heimer shared the day after the Christmas service at ICE, “We go every week to share God’s Word and His love for them.  We give out Bibles by the case with every visit, as well as Christian literature.  It’s a blessing to be able to bring them joy in the form of mariachi music during such a difficult time of the year for them.”

Miguel shared how amazing it was to see so many enjoying the music played by Mariachi San Pablo, “We played our usual popular Christmas music, such as Feliz Navidad, but they also enjoyed the Christmas hymns, such as Go Tell It on the Mountain.  I have to say, though, the one song they seem to connect with the most was Cien Ovejas.”

Cien Ovejas is a beautiful mariachi rendition of the Parable of the Lost Sheep.  It’s no surprise these detainees would connect with the words of this song at a heart level.  It must have been encouraging for them to be reminded Jesus came for the lost, the hurting, the sick, the displaced, and the imprisoned.  Pastor Heimer’s beautiful message on the Night of Peace, “Noche de Paz”, further helped remind them God has not forgotten them, for He’s given His Son, the Greatest Gift to all mankind, for them…and us.

Pictures not available due to ICE Detention Facility Regulations