For over a decade, Trinity Lutheran Church of Lincoln, NE has been an integral part of the Ysleta Lutheran Mission Human Care (YLM) family. Dedicated to giving their time, talents, and treasures to help build homes for families in need, this Servant Event team gives extra to the people they serve in different ways.

Housebuilding is not the only way this team shares the Gospel with others. While majority of the team were busy with house construction, 75-year-old Darlene led a 4-day afternoon Vacation Bible School (VBS) at the nearby community center of KM30, Comedor Infantil Emanuel. This center, refurbished by a dedicated Servant Event team from Michigan last April, provides a safe place for children to gather for meals, activities, and Bible class.

Darlene’s dedication doesn’t stop at leading VBS; she collects donations throughout the year to enrich the lessons taught. Each day at VBS is a tapestry of joy and learning. Children are told the story of creation, painting smooth river stones, and stringing beads to make bracelets. Afterwards, they enjoyed a simple, nourishing lunch. At the end of the day, each child left with a heart full of memories and a useful gift for them.

One heartwarming memory involves Betty, a sweet ten-year-old with autism. Initially hesitant to participate or receive help from Darlene or Marilyn, a member of a second Servant Event team building that same week, she found her confidence with her mother’s loving presence. By the end of the day, Betty was happily painting and coloring by herself. Her radiant smile and cheerful wave were the highlights of the day.

As word spread, more children attended each day, joyfully participating in the craft projects, listening to the stories of hope and salvation in Jesus, and enjoying the meals given. When the event ended, each child got their gift of the day to take home –a backpack full of school supplies, a bath towel with hygiene items, and a quilt.

Pastor Jose Angel Hernandez, shepherd of the house-church of San Pedro y San Pablo in KM30, brought his guitar and spent a delightful afternoon with the kids and adults at VBS. Together, they sang praises and shared the beautiful story of salvation through Jesus’ death and resurrection. In addition, everyone received flower seedlings, complete with everything needed to nurture them. It was heartwarming to see everyone come together to re-plant these purple blooms with the home they will thrive, much like how children themselves flourished under the abundant love and care they received.

Through music, storytelling, and simple acts of kindness, the Trinity-Lincoln team nurtured sees of love, hope, and faith. Their dedication is a reminder true fulfillment is not just from building physical homes but from building eternal homes by nurturing souls with God’s Word and spreading His love to all, regardless of age or circumstances.

If you are interested in serving through YLM with your church, family, or joining another Servant Event team, give us a call at (915) 858-2588 or send an email to