For His Hands and Feet

In the spirit of humility and service, Kathy Meyer, a registered nurse from White Bear Lake, MN, draws inspiration from Jesus washing His disciples’ feet before His crucifixion. Each year, Kathy makes the journey to Ysleta Lutheran Mission Human Care (YLM) to spend a week conducting Foot Care Clinics at partnering mission-churches, embodying the act of humble service.

During the last week of September, Kathy, along with her friend Jayne Kurpius, set up four Foot Care Clinics through San Pablo Lutheran Church. From 9am to 2pm, Monday to Thursday, they dedicated their time to caring for the feet of those who sought their help. Some learned about these clinics through flyers distributed during the Food Pantry Drive-Thru on Saturday mornings, or by Cornucopia Thrift Store, while others received invitations from those who had earlier experienced Kathy’s care.

One remarkable encounter was with a man who had recently paid off his phone bill and used his first call to reach his mother. By God’s timing, his mother was having her feet taken care of by Kathy, and she invited him to come and get his foot calluses taken care of. Kathy listened to his story, learned about his journey to become a better man after being released from prison. He was heading to a new job in Dallas, and, touched by his openness, Kathy and Jayne offered to pray for him. They were doubly blessed when he, in turn, asked to pray for them.

Kathy’s dedication remained steady throughout the week. On the first day, she attended to eight individuals, including volunteers who support the missions of YLM and San Pablo Lutheran Church. The second and third days were just as busy, with 15 people receiving care. One woman expressed her gratitude constantly, explaining how difficult it had become for her to trim her toenails.

On Thursday, Rosy Lira, a deaconess working with the Anapra mission-churches partnering with YLM, sought Kathy’s help for a painful ingrown toenail. As Kathy tended to her feet, Rosy reflected on the ministry she’s been called to, “I forget to take care of myself. Kathy being here, doing this for me, lets me know God cares for me too.”

Plans were made on Thursday for Kathy and Jayne to join Rosy at La Santa Biblia on Friday. After their morning worship service, 20 men, women, and children were seen, and their feet cared for by them. The connection and love Kathy and Jayne have for this church and its people gave them joy in being able to serve those who work together to serve their congregation and community.

Working in conjunction with Rosy, and Pastor Stephen Heimer, Kathy and Jayne went across the border to Anapra, where they served 20 men, women, and even children at Iglesia Luterana La Santa Biblia after their morning service. For Kathy and Jayne, there’s a special love for the people of this church, and it was a joy for them to be able to serve those who work together to help the growth of their congregation and the betterment of their community.

Would you like to know how you can use your skills and talents to serve others? Call us at (915) 858-2588 or send an e-mail to for more information!