For All the Saints

The loss of family has been deeply felt throughout the world, especially as the Covid pandemic swept through countries at an alarming rate in 2020.  At Ysleta Lutheran Mission Human Care (YLM), we deeply feel the loss of faithful servants of God.  And though their absence is felt, joy overflows, for we are certain we will see them one day soon.

Pastor Ruiz and Pastor Stephen Heimer at a Christmas service in San Pablo Lutheran Church

Pastor Jose Ruiz served alongside Rev Dr. Karl Heimer at San Pablo Lutheran Church for many years.  He worked diligently alongside Pastor Heimer to build churches, presently CrossPoint Church in El Paso and two of the mission churches in Juarez, San Lucas in Anapra and Santisima Trinidad in Juarez.  His love for God was evident through his dedication in sharing the Good News with children and adults, using music as the main form of connection with others.  He helped found Mariachi San Pablo in 2001, alongside the now Reverend Stephen Heimer.  He introduced many young children, teenagers, and adults to the joy of sharing the Gospel mariachi style, having brought his experience as part of a secular mariachi into the ministry when he answered God’s call into ministry.

Pastor Tovar and Blanquita served in Gloria Dei and at the San Lorenzo mission-church for over thirty years

Pastor Martin Tovar, and his wife Blanquita, were a ministry team dedicated to the spiritual growth of those in their care.  He served as President of the Mexican Lutheran Synod and was the pastor at Gloria Dei Lutheran Church in Chihuahua, which helped plant and grow the San Lorenzo mission-church, assisting with Servant Event teams in reaching out to the Tarahumaran Indians living in the Chihuahua mountains.  So many Servant Event teams remember Pastor Tovar and Blanquita with love, as they were a wonderful reflection of God’s love for His people.  Pastor Tovar was a source of love and encouragement to many of those involved in the Chihuahua mountains mission trips, leading by example as they contributed to many different labors of love and care.  His son, Pastor Misael Tovar, will be helping with the San Lorenzo mission-church in the Chihuahua mountains.

Adolfo helped wherever needed at the mission-churches of San Lucas, Santa Biblia, and Cristo Rey

Adolfo Castañon Pano was a dedicated servant of God at La Santa Biblia and Cristo Rey in Anapra.  He worked alongside Deaconess Rosy Lira, bringing much needed help and God’s Word to their communities.  He had a heart for people and a desire to be a pastor.  His love for God and the people of his community of Anapra kept him working to fulfill his purpose.  He had a desire to become a pastor, and was seeking to know more of God’s Word through a partnering seminary in the Dominican Republic.  His legacy is now carried on by his son, Pedro.  A young man in his early thirties, Pedro helps Rosy continue the ministry for the people his father loved so much and will himself start taking deacon classes alongside other lay members of La Santa Biblia.

Bertha loved her church family and her community, showing it in many different ways

Bertha Pérez, a member of San Pablo Lutheran Church for years, deeply loved God and His church.  She always had a smile for new visitors to San Pablo, her open heart evident in the way she greeted all those around her and how she served God and others.  She worked with the faithful women of San Pablo to maintain the cleanliness of the church, the kitchen, and even helped clean the Dormitory when volunteers were scarce.  With joy and exuberance, she organized fellowship events, prepared communion trays for Sunday morning services, provided beautiful altar flowers, and helped with altar care.  Her servant heart showed in the way she cared for her neighbors and her fellow brothers and sisters in Christ.

As the new year continues on, there will be many opportunities for servants of God to rise up and bring His love, Word, and truth to the nations in El Paso and across the border.  We continue serving faithfully, learning from saints gone by, such as Pastors Tovar and Ruiz, Blanquita, Adolfo, and Bertha.  These saints have marched into the eternal kingdom, and we rejoice for they have left behind a beautiful legacy pointing others to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

“His Master replied, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant!  You have been faithful with a few

things; I will put you in charge of many things.  Come and share your Master’s happiness!’”

~Matthew 25:21