Food, Gifts, Jackets, Supplies at Christmas

People eagerly filed into San Pablo Lutheran Church on the morning of the 15th of December. There was standing room only as families gathered, singing Christmas carols and hearing about God’s greatest gift, Jesus Christ. They would also be given another gift, as that day was the day the Ysleta Lutheran Mission was doing their annual handout of food, blankets, and toys.

After the celebration in the church, the people were instructed to line up outside where they would receive their items. People filled the road as boxes of food were brought in on a forklift. There were smiles and chatter as three lines were formed, everyone patiently waiting for their turn. At the front of the line, people were handing their registration cards to the volunteers who then gathered the designated items and gave them to the families. As the first few people left with their goods, the excitement in the air grew ten fold. Children were playing in between the lines, climbing on logs, looking to see what toys other people were receiving. Sisters were laughing, talking about their holiday plans. Whole families waited in line together, generations entertaining one another as the sun came out, shining light on a beautiful day. People chatted with the volunteers, expressing their gratitude time and time again.

Many were from El Paso, many traveled from Juarez. Some were there for themselves, and some were there for others. One man from Juarez came to collect items to bring back to an orphanage. Another had decided that the food and toys he were given were going to go to the family of his friend who had recently passed in hopes to make their holiday a bit more joyous.

As the day continued, the lines grew shorter, until everyone had been given their gifts. Children went home with smiles on their faces, excited about their new toys. Grandparents could breathe as they now had food to eat. Christmas was around the corner, and God had delivered in the greatest way possible. A morning of worship and seeing the Lord’s work at play, what a wonderful way to experience and understand the love the Lord has for each and every one of us. Thank you to all who helped the day come together and make the world just a little bit brighter.