Finding Rest in Service

With unexpected changes occurring in her life, Jayne Kurpius from White Bear Lake, Minnesota decided to spend part of her summer at YLM.  Jayne has been coming to YLM for over 20 years; she was one of the adult participants for a Servant Event team from her home church, South Shore Trinity Lutheran Church.  This was back in 1997 or 1998 –she can’t exactly remember what year as it feels like she’s been part of YLM for most of her life.

Throughout the years of service, Jayne –along with close friends who’ve been part of these Servant Event trips since the 1990s –continued coming on their own, seeking a bit of rest from the hectic pace of life by pouring themselves into serving others at and through YLM.  “It’s not physical, mental, or even emotional rest, because there’s work of all levels involved in service to others,” Jayne explained as she took a break from doing grounds’ clean-up, “But being here, doing hard, and at times, dirty work that impacts others –that gives me a deep sense of rest.”

Arriving the first week of June, she was able to jump right into helping with the Vacation Bible School (VBS) organized by Greta Wiederhold, one of several summer interns.  During the week of VBS, once the morning lessons, games and singing were done, she helped with cleaning buildings and the campus grounds, pruning bushes and trees, assembling food baskets, sorting through school and hygiene supplies, bagging beans, and helping with distributions on Saturday mornings.

As an experienced volunteer accountant, she even took time to sit down with YLM’s Bookkeeper, Karla Gonzalez, and answered questions regarding the upcoming yearly audit.  “What’s wonderful about YLM,” Jayne shared during an after-dinner interview, “Is you don’t know the impact you make in others’ lives, but you know the work you’re doing, no matter what it involves, will be making a good kind of difference for someone.”  What Jayne has discovered at YLM is a home away from home, where love and hard work come together to change lives all around.

“It doesn’t matter what you do or what skills you have,” Elvira Viramontes, Program Director at YLM, explained regarding YLM’s volunteer program, “We can use your skills and knowledge in the very areas you are passionate about.”

“There’s a culture of inclusion here at YLM,” Jayne gave a glimpsing explanation to her perspective of the people who make up YLM, “Everyone has a purpose, everyone has a service to offer, which will make a huge difference to someone.  Just like everything that is given to YLM is appreciated and immediately put to good use, so is the hard work of willing hands.”

The YLM family want to thank Jayne Kurpius for her faithful service to the people who come seeking help.  She has been an amazing example of how lives can be changed through simple acts of kindness.