Dia de los Niños

Congregants of Santisima Trinidad gathered grilled, assembled, and wrapped 200 hamburgers

The Baez family opened their outside space and helped host this first-time event in KM33

In Mexico, April 30th is a day dedicated to celebrating children and the hope of a better future for them. The members of Iglesia Luterana Santisima Trinidad, located on the west side of Juarez, for many years have come together to make hamburgers for the families of their mission-site, San Pedro y San Pablo, which until this year, was located in Kilometer 30.

“We made the decision to move 3 kilometers further up the highway,” Pastor Jose Hernandez, shepherd of Santisima Trinidad, explained, “The community in that area is in real need and we have the possible opportunity of actually building a church where we can further help strengthen the sown seeds of faith.”

For now, Jorge Baez, a 38-year-old man with a wife and two children, along with his parents, have opened up their humble homes to this new mission.

The first event hosted at KM33 brought many people, adults and children, to Jorge’s piece of land, which butts up against his parents’. By the end of the time spent celebrating the children there, 200 hamburgers with chips and soda, were given out to all who were there, with 60 caramel apples given out to children.

The smiles were priceless for all who made this event possible

From little children to teenagers, all were welcomed

The members of Santisima Trinidad worked together to raise the funds needed to purchase the food, but also came together early on Saturday morning to cook the hamburgers before packing everything up and making the thirty-minute drive to KM33 where they then distributed to the people who came for the event.

“We had the joy of meeting so many new people, of sharing the Gospel and singing songs of praise together,” Pastor Hernandez shared afterwards, “We took the opportunity to let them know of upcoming events and opportunities, like the Juarez Clinic, which will now be held there in KM33 on the 3rd Saturday of every month.”

Pastor Hernandez and his congregation of Santisima Trinidad are excited to bring these new opportunities to the people of KM33, but most importantly, they are rejoicing over the new fields where the seed of faith will be spread to reach new hearts.

As the members of Santisima Trinidad continue to work towards spreading the Gospel in this new area, they ask for your continued prayers for their loving labor. We, too, ask for you to keep Kilometer 33 in your prayers, for God to prepare hearts to receive the Good News. May all the work done produce much fruit!