CrossPoint Youth Camp

Close to twenty teenagers worked together to paint the exterior of the YLM Kitchen Building

The last week of June had close to twenty teenagers and ten adults from CrossPoint Church in El Paso, Texas gather together for a youth camp retreat at Ysleta Lutheran Mission Human Care (YLM).  For years, CrossPoint has been supporting the ministry work taking place at YLM by contributing monthly towards the greatest needs, adopting the Food Pantry four times a year, and hosting a toy drive for YLM’s annual Joy Distribution.  This year, though, was the first time YLM has helped facilitate a Servant Event mission project for CrossPoint.

Youth leaders planned games, Bible studies, worship services, and other opportunities to help foster faith growth among the teenagers

“We worked closely with their youth ministry intern months prior to them coming,” Luz Soto, who helps with the logistics of Servant Event planning, shared, “We wanted them to have a great experience, so we did everything necessary to make things easy for them, with the Holy Spirit taking care of the rest.”

The entire mission campus was put to use by this team, from morning devotions in the San Pablo sanctuary to after dark bonfires behind the dorm.  They used YLM vans to travel to nearby parks for their games, as well as going to CrossPoint for their evening worship services.  One evening, they did a prayer walk for the community surrounding the YLM campus.

A late night bonfire was held, with planning taking place prior to ensure safety

“The kids had a great time,” Cat, CrossPoint’s youth ministry intern, shared at the end of the week, “They felt like they were out of town doing missionary work and they loved the facilities.”

The youth enjoyed the time spent serving, playing, learning, and growing during their youth camp week retreat

Throughout the week, the adult leaders had multiple opportunities to share the love of God with these teenagers, with a couple of girls committing their lives to Jesus as their Savior.  Being away from the day to day pressures teenagers face today, they were able to experience the love and grace of God in many different forms.

“They have blessed us,” Rev. Dr. Karl Heimer, CEO of YLM, shared after the team was gone, “I was part of helping plant CrossPoint back in 1994, and now, to be able to see what God has done with the church and their gifts, to see them putting in the time, talents, and treasures of their young people, it was truly a blessing.”

In between all the fun and learning and growing, the youth took on as their service project the painting of Building #6, known to thousands as the Kitchen.  It is here where many people have encountered the grace and love of God through the sharing of food and the gift of fellowship.

With majority of funding going towards YLM’s areas of mercy—food, clothing, education, refugee care, mission work—it is thanks to the love and generosity of churches like CrossPoint, facility upkeep and care is being done.  It is truly a great blessing to have teams help preserve YLM’s beautiful and historic campus, where God and people can continue to meet for years to come.