Churches Coming Together

Between Faith Lutheran Church in Branson, Missouri and Trinity Lutheran Church in Madison, Nebraska, a team of thirteen people spent five days in October building a house in Anapra, Juarez, as well as helping around the San Pablo Lutheran Church -Ysleta Lutheran Mission Human Care (YLM) campus.

Paige Rohlf, the team’s leader, has been involved with the ministry done through YLM for over 8 years, along with her husband David.  In addition, they have led five teams to serve the people of Juarez and El Paso.

Daniel helped the group with the building of the house for his wife and daughter

“This is a place we’ve come to know and love,” Paige shared in a letter, stating how she was reminded of something important when doubts and apprehensions began to rise up in regards to this year’s trip to YLM, “Trust.  Trust God is still in control of everything and His plan is perfect.  Trust God will provide the necessary people to accomplish His will.”

To the amazement of many, God did exactly as Paige prayed –He provided the people to accomplish His ministry!

With the help of members of Iglesia Luterana San Lucas and Iglesia Luterana de La Santa Biblia, both in Anapra, Juarez, the family being blessed with a new house were able to level out the sandy ground and pour in the foundation in the necessary time frame for it to settle and dry.

“A lot of digging and shifting of sand had to be done,” Rosy Lira, deaconess at San Lucas and La Santa Biblia, shared in regards to the preparation for the foundation, “We carried buckets of sand and rocks, and collected tires to help keep the sand in place.  It was a lot of work for one person, so the people of our congregations were there, helping Daniel accomplish this task.”

Members of San Lucas helped with the process of laying down the foundation before the team arrived

With excitement and anticipation, mission servants from San Lucas and La Santa Biblia, rose up to the challenge of overseeing this building project.

“This is what we want to help facilitate,” Rev Dr. Karl Heimer, CEO of YLM, explained with a smile, “To help these mission-churches we partner with own their ministry.  That’s their church, that’s their community, that’s their ministry.  We’re merely the bridge between them and those who want to help the kingdom of God grow in Juarez.”

Rev. Javier Lozano, pastor at three Juarez mission-churches currently partnering with YLM, shared how this house building project was a new form of outreach for their congregation. “Daniel takes care of his wife, who has neurological problems.  He takes whatever job he can to provide for her and their daughter, and they live in a little one room house made up of pallets, cardboard, and covered up with trash bags and tarps to keep out the rain and cold.

Members of San Lucas spilled out into the street during the house blessing in support of Daniel and his family

“He’s a new believer, a newcomer to our church, and he witnessed something he hadn’t experienced before –the love of Christ through others.  Through the help from his fellow brothers and sisters in Christ, both here in San Lucas and La Santa Biblia, at YLM, and all the way in Wisconsin and Nebraska, he learned he was no longer alone.”

The mission-churches are dedicated to continue showing those hurting within their communities the love of God through the simple acts of kindness YLM helps facilitate.

“There were so many members of San Lucas at the house blessing,” Paige shared with a look of awe, “We overflowed into the street in front of the house.”

In her beautiful letter regarding their experience, Paige shared words of encouragement with those who seek to serve through YLM in one way or another, “Rest assured –God is working mightily at YLM.  Many people are still needing a safe home to live in.  I wish…you could have seen the look on Daniel’s face, who now has a home for his wife and daughter.  My prayer is you will be able to witness, and experience, their joy as we did.”