Mariachi San Pablo brings Gozo to Detainees

2019-12-27T18:12:57-07:00December 27th, 2019|Adelante Ministries, Adelante Music Ministry, Christmas Care, Iglesia Luterana San Pablo, Lutheran Prison Ministry, Mariachi San Pablo, News, San Pablo Lutheran Church, Uncategorized|

Mariachi San Pablo brings Gozo to Detainees The [...]

Planting Hope Among Refugees

2019-12-09T13:56:03-07:00December 9th, 2019|Community Partners, Food Assistance, Iglesia de la Santa Biblia, Iglesia Luterana San Lucas, Iglesia Luterana San Pablo, Mexico Missions, News, San Pablo Lutheran Church, Servant Events, Volunteers|

Planting Hope Among Refugees I spotted a lone [...]

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