Bringing Joy to the Borderland

New or gently used toys are packaged according to age

With Christmas coming quickly, Ysleta Lutheran Mission Human Care (YLM), along with partnering mission-churches in El Paso and Juarez, are getting ready to begin the process of collecting and organizing toy donations for the 2020 Joy Distribution to take place in December.

Last year, close to a thousand children in the Border Cities of El Paso and Juarez, received new or gently used toys, thanks to year-round donations from churches and individuals throughout the U.S.  Year after year, the joyful smiles of children and parents are the gift of the work volunteers and staff put into this act of kindness throughout the year.

Donations for the Joy Distribution are taken year-round

“I remember when I was a kid,” a life-time member of San Pablo Lutheran Church shared with a smile, “My sister and I would be so excited to come with my mom to pick up the big black bag of toys.  We had no idea what was in there, and when we opened those gifts on Christmas Day, it was so exciting to see new or practically new toys.  We couldn’t tell and we were happy with what we had.”

For years, YLM has been working alongside partner mission-churches, such as San Pablo Lutheran Church in El Paso and the mission-churches in Mexico, to distribute these big black bags of toys for families needing help to make Christmas special for their children.

Toys and games are distributed for toddlers to thirteen year olds

“It’s hard for parents,” Rev Dr. Karl Heimer, CEO of YLM and Senior Pastor at San Pablo Lutheran Church, explained about the yearly Joy Distribution, “To have to make the choice between feeding their children or buying them Christmas gifts.  Obviously, there is no choice, but it hurts a parent’s heart to not be able to give something special to their kids during this season of giving.”

This is the reason why YLM has dedicated years to working with donors to help parents bring smiles of joy to their child’s face.  This year, there is a great need for donations, both for toys and gift cards, to ensure children in the surrounding community of El Paso, and Juarez, will get to experience the joy of a gift.

“This year, we want to give as many new toys as we can,” Miguel Muñoz, elder at San Pablo Lutheran Church, shared one afternoon, “They don’t need to be expensive toys, but to be able to give a new toy, or a toy that is practically new, would help make the Christmas season even more special for these children.”

The reason this act of kindness is so meaningful to children is because they are not unaware of the financial struggles in their homes.  For children received toys through YLM’s Joy Distribution, it has brought a sense of hope carried into their adult years.

“I remember coming here as a child with my mother,” Stephanie, a young mother, shared last year how this act of kindness impacted her life, “It’s a special memory, how much this place helped my mom make Christmas happen for me and my siblings.  So now, my husband and I want to help carry on that kindness for other children.”

If you would like to send in donations, you can go online at or send by mail to:

Ysleta Lutheran Mission Human Care
c/o Joy Distribution 2020
301 S. Schutz Drive
El Paso, TX 79907

Thank you for bringing smiles of joy to children this 2020 Christmas season!