Bicycles and Smiles

The Hyzer family delivered the bikes to YLM from Wisconsin and helped unload them

The Summer Outdoor Adventure Club (SOAC) donated over 100 bicycles to Ysleta Lutheran Mission Human Care (YLM), with the latest donation being delivered by the Hyzer family the second week of July.

The original plan had been to bring a group of kids and adults, about twelve or so, to visit YLM and help distribute bicycles, but with COVID-19, those plans had to change.  “We have a family offering to drive the trailer down to El Paso,” Gary, the director at SOAC, explained via e-mail, “They will help unload all the bicycles.”

Staff and the family were able to unload everything before nine in the morning

This was an unexpected yet wonderful gift from SOAC, and together with volunteers and staff, the Hyzer family got a little taste of what mission work at YLM is like.  “I am going to tell my church about this place,” April, mother of seven children ages two to sixteen, shared as she watched all her kids help unload the bicycles, “The work being done here is great and I want to see how my church can get involved.  We definitely want to come back.”

Thanks to the Hyzer family, not only were 55 bikes donated this time around (the last donation was 70 bikes) but they also brought a donation of 55 brand new helmets for children, youth, and adults.  “I have a friend who owns a bike shop,” April explained as the helmets were unloaded from the trailer, “I reached out to him and told him about the bikes.  He blessed us with all these helmets.”

Between team players and siblings, the Little Redskins practically cleaned house…or storage container

“We wanted to get these 55 bikes out as soon as possible,” Rev Dr. Karl Heimer explained as bikes were pulled out of the storage container they were stored in the week before when they arrived, “So we reached out to a non-profit group that helped distribute toys and jackets for our 2019 Joy Distribution.”

Team players and siblings picked out bikes…pretty much all the kids found one they really liked

Pastor Heimer is speaking of the Little Redskins Football team.  The group provides opportunities for children from low-income families to play sports, specifically football, when they can’t afford to do so in school.  “We have many kids who want to play but their parents can’t afford the fees and uniforms and equipment,” Coach Joe Hernandez explained as he looked over the bikes, “Many of those kids don’t have bikes, so this will definitely be something to help them get some exercise during this COVID shut-down.”

And did Coach Joe bring kids!  In the span of two hours, over forty bikes, along with helmets, were on their way to a new home, with kids of all ages super excited to try them out.

“What a blessing to put smiles on these kids’ faces,” Pastor Heimer had a pretty big smile himself as he shared in the joy of what took place, “Something as simple as a bike can change a person’s day or outlook on life.”