Advent with Mariachi San Pablo

Mariachi San Pablo rehearsals go live on Facebook

What a joy to hear Mariachi San Pablo play at Zion Lutheran Church’s Wednesday Advent services!  Throughout the 2020 year, Mariachi San Pablo has been doing online rehearsals as well as in-person physically distanced rehearsals.

“It hasn’t been easy,” Miguel Muñoz, director of Mariachi San Pablo and Assistant Director of Adelante Ministries, explained, “When we were doing virtual rehearsals, internet speed would keep us from staying on tempo or keeping the rhythm.  We moved to doing one on one practice, alternating between musicians.  It was so good when we finally started meeting at Zion for in-person rehearsals, even though we had to maintain the six feet apart distance.”

Gabrielle and Pastor Stephen play for the second Wednesday of Advent

Towards the end of 2020, things have been happening behind the scenes for Adelante Ministries at Ysleta Lutheran Mission Human Care (YLM), much of it in preparation for 2021.  Renovations in one of the buildings are soon coming to an end as a recording studio is being completed, classrooms are being set up, and virtual recordings are posted on-line.

“We have a couple of students taking music classes with us on-line,” Miguel explained as Pastor Benito, Associate Pastor of San Pablo Lutheran Church and Music Instructor at YLM shared how he’s been meeting on-line with two young men, teaching them guitar, “We’re also planning on starting in-person classes on January 19th.  At the moment, it will only be for guitarron, but with time, we will be able to start adding violin, guitar, piano, and other instruments.”

Mariachi San Pablo played at Zion for December 16th and 20th

The members and visitors at Zion Lutheran Church were able to enjoy the mariachi-style music during their Advent services.  For most people who know Mariachi San Pablo’s music, it’s quite a treat to get to listen to those lively traditional Christmas songs.

Members and visitors enjoyed the lively traditional Christmas music

For the first two Advent services, Miguel and Pastor Benito assisted with the music for their worship service, along with the help of Gabry, a junior in high school and member of Zion Lutheran Church.  Gabry plays the guitarron with Mariachi San Pablo, taking one-on-one virtual classes with Miguel, but she also plays the double bass, which she did as Pastor Stephen Heimer of Zion Lutheran, played piano during the second Wednesday of Advent service.

“This is what we aim to do,” Pastor Stephen shared earlier last year after the LWML grant was received, “We want to develop, encourage, and help grow leaders within the church through music.  We’re so thankful for YLM and Adelante Ministries for helping us achieve this so we can then reach out to our community.”

Through livestream, many who were unable to attend Advent services, whether in El Paso or because they were outside of the city, were able to experience the joy that comes with singing the Gospel mariachi style.  We are excited to see how God will move through this ministry and it’s many supporters and partners!