A Time of Need

For the second time in the month of March, the Drive-Thru Food Pantry was held early in the morning at the Ysleta Lutheran Mission Human Care (YLM) campus, just outside the entrance gates.  For many people, during this time of fear and panic buying resulting in empty shelves, the compassion and kindness shown through the ample boxes of food has helped them find hope and a bit of room to breathe.

“I lost my job earlier this week,” a young woman shared after having reached out via Facebook to ask if she could receive some help, “I am so thankful for the help I was given here, because at this time, anything helps.”

April of last year, YLM was granted a $20,000 grant from the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod, which is a huge help during these times when donations are low due to the nation-wide financial difficulties of many.

“We’re all in the same situation,” Rev Dr. Karl Heimer, CEO of YLM and pastor at San Pablo Lutheran Church shared after discussing how to make sure YLM can continue to help at this much needed time, “People are working from home, or not working at all, but we cannot stop doing what we do.  For many people, we are their last hope in getting help to feed their family.  Even though we work on helping people in so many different areas of mercy, right now, the major need is food, and we’re working with everything we have, and with the support of so many, to continue being the help through which God’s hope and love can be given.”

As the Covid-19 situation continues to worsen throughout El Paso, and the rest of the United States, YLM continues to work to be a beacon of hope, kindness, love and compassion, sharing what is given with those who are in need.

This second Saturday resulted in 150 completed food boxes given out to those who were already registered into the Emergency Food Program, with over fifty smaller food boxes, which consisted of eggs, bread, fruit and vegetables, given out to unregistered people who had heard or been told about the Food Pantry at YLM.

As long as the resources are available, YLM will continue to be a help to the surrounding community, through the Drive-Thru Food Pantry, prayer, and dedicated service from people seeking to show God’s love for the purpose of changing lives during this uncertain time.

We thank all of those who continue to support the mission to change lives every day through simple acts of kindness, whether its through generous giving, prayers, or sharing of what we do with others.  Together, we will move forward as we share the Gospel in tangible and meaningful ways!