YLM’s 2021 Prayer List of Needs

The iconic YLM marquee, where every Servant Event team takes their group picture, is needing to be relocated and redone with weather-sturdy materials

Though some activities had to be postponed, such as Servant Event mission trips having to be rescheduled, other areas of mercy continued towards serving our neighbors as needs increased throughout communities in El Paso and Juarez.  Not having Servant Event teams throughout the summer and fall opened up opportunities to identify needed repairs and improvements to the historic Ysleta Lutheran Mission (YLM) campus, though funds were not readily available, all while continuing to find ways to help our neighbors on both sides of the border.

As the San Pablo church underwent needed repairs to foundation and fascia, ministry continued on the campus through the process

This mission is God’s mission, and it is the mission of every single person who has, and is, part of its work in advancing God’s kingdom.  Through the support of missionaries in heart and body, prayers for financial help are being answered in mighty ways!

“We have many who support the different ministries taking place at YLM,” Pastor Karl Heimer, CEO of YLM and Senior Pastor at San Pablo Lutheran Church shared, “We use all those donations to help people in need, but we also need to care for this place, and we’re grateful for grants and donations made towards the maintenance of our campus, where thousands of people come to serve and to find kindness.  We need to make sure we are good stewards of everything God is entrusting us with, including these buildings and land.”

Building #4, which used to be resident apartments for staff/volunteers, is being prepared to become a Library

The generosity of Trinity Lutheran Church in Stamford, Connecticut has made it possible to raze a condemned building, stabilize the church’s foundation and fascia, pour in sidewalks around the church and a new wheelchair ramp.  Their gifts have set up future plans for a library and a cooler with a pallet-wide door for the Food Warehouse, consolidating the Food Distribution ministry into one central location.  Thanks to donations sent through Orphan Grain Train (OGT), several buildings, such as the Parsonage and Thrift Shop, have received necessary renovations such as new flooring and freshly painted walls.  All this was done with the help of volunteers, Servant Event teams at the end of 2019 and beginning of the 2020 year, and families who have come to serve at YLM.

Both YLM Campus parking lots are in need of leveling and resurfacing

Building #14, which used to be the YLM Main Office, has undergone renovations in preparation for the Adelante Ministries, though it is needing its foundation stabilized.  Inside, there is now a finished music classroom, piano lab, and a recording studio still in need of paneling.  With these renovations close to being done, music classes for guitar and piano have begun, and plans are underway for other music ministry events.  Mariachi San Pablo have begun to present the Gospel mariachi-style, starting with Zion Lutheran Church for Advent services and at San Pablo Lutheran Church for Christmas.  As the new year moves forward, invitations for Mariachi San Pablo to visit churches in Arizona, South Dakota, and New Mexico have started to arrive.

Rain makes access to Food Warehouse a difficulty; a concrete driveway will help facilitate an essential and constant area of mercy

Still needed is resurfacing of parking lots, a concrete driveway in front of the Food Warehouse to ease food deliveries from the El Pasoans Fighting Hunger during rainy days, and many other things.  Dedicated supporters of the mission are making it possible for this much needed work being done, along with the many ministry areas dedicated to changing lives through simple acts of kindness.  In helping continue needed physical improvements of a campus that’s become a “home away from home” for thousands of people, the Matthew 25 commission continues to be fulfilled by helping those in need.

All thanks to God, much has been accomplished, but more still needs to get done.  Prayerfully look over, and share, our 2021 Prayer List of Needs to see how you, your family, or your church, can help continue doing God’s ministry by ensuring YLM will still be here, ready and able to serve for years to come.

We at YLM believe, because we have been witnesses of this –God answers prayers by bringing forth generosity from our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ.  For this, we thank Him for going ahead of us and making way so His work can continue being done.