YLM at the LCMS Convention

YLM was present at the Milwaukee Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod (LCMS) Convention, which was held for the purpose of conducting business, electing officers, and sharing information within the LCMS. As a religious service organization (RSO) of the LCMS, YLM registered to exhibit, along with about 100 other organizations, allowing for pastors, lay-leaders, and church representatives to learn of what God is accomplishing through YLM.

The greatest joy was to connect with people who have “come down” to YLM to serve, especially through the Servant Event ministry. A woman came by the exhibit booth and shared how she had participated on a Servant Event mission trip, along with her teenage son who did not want to come. She did not give him a choice, however, and shared how he was now a Lutheran pastor in Wisconsin.

“He was so greatly impacted by the mission trip to Ysleta, he followed Christ into the pastorate.”

Stories were shared with people who came by to learn about YLM, several of them signing up for the monthly E-Newsletter as well as the mailing list. During session times, exhibit booths were visited, learning of their ministry and discussing how we could work together to help further the kingdom work being done.

Conversations helped further develop an understanding on how God works through His people. Together, all these RSO organizations, along with LCMS congregations, can take to Gospel to every nation around the world in a myriad of ways. The opportunity to partner together, and help one another in different ways, is one God has greatly blessed His children with.

It was truly a beautiful representation of the Body of Christ, as all who seek to love and serve God and people came together to organize and plan the best ways to accomplish the kingdom work God has entrusted His Church with.

 If you would like to invite YLM to present in-person, or through ZOOM, at your church,
call (915) 858-2588 or send an email to luz.soto@ylm.org