Since the 1980s, Ysleta Lutheran Mission Human Care (YLM) has partnered with local congregations in El Paso and Cd. Juarez to share the Gospel through acts of kindness and service. What began as a partnership with Rev. Jaime Martinez of Iglesia Luterana Cristo Rey—the only Lutheran church in Cd. Juarez at the time—soon grew into something much larger. Through home Bible studies, the seed of faith was planted, and by the early 2000s, YLM was working with seven mission-churches across Cd. Juarez and Chihuahua, providing both spiritual encouragement and much-needed human relief, all in the name of Christ’s saving love.

These mission-churches have become vital to the Christian community in Cd. Juarez and Chihuahua. They provide more than just weekly worship services—they nurture faith through the preaching of the Word, the administration of the Sacraments, and active service to others. One of the most rapidly growing mission-churches is Iglesia Luterana La Santa Biblia, which has been undergoing significant growth and transformation for the past fifteen years.

La Santa Biblia has eagerly prepared its members for the Sacraments, regularly holding baptisms and catechism classes. Mission-hearted pastors from El Paso, TX, provide catechesis, but what the members desired most was the opportunity to receive the Lord’s Supper.

With no permanent building and only a simple table and reading stand for worship, La Santa Biblia has relied on their deaconesses and visiting pastors for spiritual guidance. Their longing to celebrate Communion was answered during a YLM meeting, when Pastor Jose Hernandez of Iglesia Luterana Santisima Trinidad, agreed to lead worship and administer the Lord’s Supper. San Pablo Lutheran Church in El Paso provided the necessary items: a small altar, candles, communion plates, wafers and cups, while YLM supplied funds for the communion wine.

On the first Friday of September, the members of La Santa Biblia gathered for a worship service filled with joy and anticipation. Pastor Hernandez, accompanied by his guitar, led the congregation in song using the new Spanish hymnals, donated by Zion Lutheran Church in El Paso. His sermon focused on Jesus Christ’s victory over sin, offering much-needed hope and encouragement to a congregation facing daily struggles with poverty, crime, addiction, and violence. The service concluded with the long-awaited celebration of Communion, bringing a profound sense of renewal to the members, and strengthening the faith of the congregation.

The work of YLM doesn’t stop with La Santa Biblia. In Iglesia Luterana San Lucas, up to 15 people attend a weekly Wednesday Bible study, where Pastor Javier Lozano instructs them in Scripture to prepare for the upcoming Sunday service. Among those who attend is Javier Valadez, am 18-year-old young man feeling called into pastoral ministry.

In Chihuahua, Pastor Misael Tovar leads a twice-monthly Bible study, to which he invites clients from his addiction counseling practice. Through these Bible studies, several of his clients have become regular attendees at Iglesia Luterana Gloria Dei, where they receive Word and Sacrament, beginning their journey toward a new life in Christ.

Meanwhile, San Pablo Lutheran Church in El Paso recently held adult catechesis classes, joyfully confirming four adults on the second Sunday of September. These same adults have their children enrolled in First Communion and Confirmation classes, and they’ve requested a Saturday morning Bible study to continue growing in their faith.

In a world often feeling disconnected, these mission-churches serve as beacons of hope, drawing people into a deeper relationship with God through His Word and Sacraments. YLM is dedicated to equipping these churches with what they need to make a lasting, eternal impact on their congregations, families, and communities. This is the very reason God has placed YLM at the center of the border cities of El Paso and Cd. Juarez— to bring the salvation of Christ to all who seek it.

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