With the help of Scott Juengel, YLM's Servant Event Director, 14-year-old Javier reads out loud from the Spanish Bible

With the help of Scott Juengel, YLM’s Servant Event Director, 14-year-old Javier reads out loud from the Spanish Bible.

For over a decade, Ysleta Lutheran Mission Human Care (YLM) has been partnering with sponsors and donors to award “Stay in School” Scholarships to students in Mexico. These funds alleviate the extra expenses of education, easing the financial burden on families struggling to provide basic necessities for their children.

Javier, 16, is confirmed at Iglesia Luterana San Lucas

Javier, 16, is confirmed at Iglesia Luterana San Lucas after two years of instruction.

Without this support, thousands of school-aged students in Mexico are forced to leave school after completing secondary (eight grade) education to seek full-time employment.

Javier Valadez is one such student whose life has been transformed by these scholarships. Since childhood, Javier has been actively involved in his church, Iglesia Luterana San Lucas in Anapra. His mother, Enedina, recalls the teams of “Americanos” who came to serve at San Lucas when she was sixteen. For her, watching Javier grow in faith and service through YLM’s Servant Event mission teams has been a natural progression.

Bonnie Rennich, of North Dakota, has been teaching Javier to play piano via FaceTime, making it possible for him to play for San Lucas' worship services.

Bonnie, a YLM Servant Event missionary from North Dakota, has been teaching Javier to play piano via FaceTime, making it possible for him to play for San Lucas’ worship services.

In 2020, as Javier prepared for high school, he was awarded a “Stay in School” Scholarship. This support allowed him to focus on his education rather than worrying about his family’s financial constraints. Javier’s mother, who works in maquiladoras (factories) when her health allows, expressed immense relief at the supplemental funds. Through hard work and encouragement, and several more scholarships, Javier graduated high school with an equivalent to an associate’s degree in electromechanical engineering.

Myron and Sonya Gunderson, long-time YLM supporters, were invited by Javier to attend his graduation on June 25, along with two YLM staff members. His first scholarship in 2020 was sponsored by Donald Tibbitts, a retired teacher from Colorado. St. Paul Lutheran Church, the Gunderson’s home church, in Vergas, MN, has sponsored his scholarships for the last three years.

Javier’s next goal is to attend Seminario Concordia El Reformador in the Dominican Republic to become a missionary pastor. He first expressed this desire at fourteen, inspired by his interactions with YLM’s Servant Event director.

Javier received his degree in electromechanical engineering on June 25.

Javier received his degree in electromechanical engineering on June 25.

Javier connected with other missionaries who helped him grow in faith and learn new skills, such as playing the piano.

YLM's Servant Event Director and Communications Specialist were invited by Javier to attend his graduation.

YLM’s Servant Event Director, Scott Juengel, and Communications Specialist, Luz Soto, were invited to attend Javier’s graduation.

Two years ago, he declared his intention to go to seminary, trusting God would provide as his mother would be unable to help financially.

St. Paul Lutheran Church has already contributed towards Javier’s seminary education. With tuition at $15,000 a year, YLM is dedicated to bridging the gap between supporters and the seminary, keeping Javier in the “Stay in School” Scholarship program. YLM’s current fundraising for the Mexico Youth Gathering includes support for Javier to meet the Mexico Synod president, Pastor Isaac Garcia, and other young pastors who have completed their education at the Dominican Republic seminary.

You can support Javier’s seminary education by donating through YLM (note “Javier Valadez”) or contact Luz Soto at (915) 858-2588 or luz.soto@ylm.org for more information.

Additionally, contributions to the Mexico Youth Gathering will help young Lutherans like Javier deepen in their faith and understanding of Lutheran doctrine. You can donate to 5. Education Programs and note “Mexico Youth Gathering” to support this cause.

Your generosity will help Javier, and many others, achieve their dreams, strengthen their faith, and support them in positively impacting their communities.