Michelle Lira receives her third scholarship to help her through her university and deaconess studies.

Michelle Lira receives her third scholarship to help with her university and deaconess studies.

Since 2020, the Anapra Stay in School Scholarships through Ysleta Lutheran Mission Human Care (YLM) have steadily grown, bringing hope and opportunity to young Mexico students eager to pursue their education. What began with just two scholarships awarded for the 2020-2021 school year has blossomed into a life-changing ministry in support of better futures through education.

Cecilia Garcia received her first Stay in School Scholarship as she gets ready to begin her second year of middle school.

Cecilia Garcia received her first Stay in School Scholarship as she gets ready to begin her second year of middle school.

One of the first two scholarship recipients from 2020 has already reached an impressive milestone, recently graduating high school with a career in electromechanical engineering. This achievement is a shining example of how impactful the Stay in School Scholarships can be, offering students the encouragement and resources they need to succeed.

Fast forward to this month, with six scholarships awarded at Iglesia Luterana La Santa Biblia, nestled in Rancho Anapra, by YLM’s Interim Executive Director, Karla Gonzalez. Among the recipients was Cecilia Garcia, who is thrilled to be a first-time recipient of this scholarship.

Kimberly Diaz receives her third Stay in School Scholarship, sponsored by one of YLM's long-time supporters.

Kimberly Diaz receives her third Stay in School Scholarship, sponsored by one of YLM’s long-time supporters.

For Cecilia, this support marks a significant step in her educational journey, empowering her to continue her studies with renewed confidence. Karla encouraged each recipient to dedicate their efforts to their education before inviting La Santa Biblia’s members to pray for their students and the new school year.

Rosa Perez, sponsored by members of Holy Trinity Lutheran Church in Edmond, OK, will be starting her last year of middle school.

Rosa Perez, sponsored by members of Holy Trinity Lutheran Church in Edmond, OK, will be starting her last year of middle school.

The Stay in School Scholarships are designed to provide supplemental help to children and youth, ensuring they have the necessary resources to stay focused on their education. Michelle Lira, a dedicated university student who is also in her second phase of deaconess studies, has been receiving this scholarship for three years. Michelle’s gratitude towards her sponsor is immense, and last year, she even had the joy of meeting her sponsor in person—a moment she cherishes deeply. This personal connection adds a special layer of support, making the scholarship not just financial assistance but also a source of encouragement and motivation.

Six year old Dylan Baca received his second scholarship, a great help for his mother, who is an active member of La Santa Biblia.

Six year old Dylan Baca received his second scholarship, a great help for his mother, who is an active member of La Santa Biblia.

Another inspiring story is that of Rosa Perez, who received her first Stay in School Scholarship for the 2021-2022 school year, thanks to the generosity of Holy Trinity Lutheran Church in Edmond, OK. Laurie, a devoted member of the church, has taken it upon herself to seek donations from fellow members to help Rosa achieve her dream of becoming a nurse. Laurie’s dedication to supporting Rosa is a testament to the powerful impact of community and the collective effort to uplift those in need.

For Dylan and Kimberly, this year’s scholarships moved from an accumulation of smaller donations to a sponsorship, with Dylan receiving a scholarship from Isle Baptist Church in Minnesota and Kimberly from a long-time supporter of YLM, especially for the Stay in School Scholarship ministry.

These scholarships are more than just financial aid; they are a beacon of hope for students like Cecilia, Michelle, and Rosa. They represent a community’s commitment to nurturing the dreams of young people, ensuring the challenges of life do not stand in the way of their education. As the Stay in School Scholarships continue to grow, so too does the potential for even more students to achieve their academic goals and create brighter futures for themselves and their communities.

You can donate to the Stay in School Scholarships of YLM or give us a call at (915) 858-2588 or send an email to for more information on this life-changing ministry.