The festive atmosphere at Iglesia Luterana Santisima Trinidad began the Saturday after Thanksgiving, when the sixteen teenagers currently receiving a Stay in School Scholarship through Ysleta Lutheran Mission Human Care (YLM) came together to decorate the sanctuary and fellowship hall. They showed up at the community center in KM30, where Thanksgiving meals were being served by a Servant Event team, covered in glitter with big smiles.

These teenagers have helped organize and lead various events at Santisima Trinidad, from Vacation Bible School over the summer to a day celebrating children. For their Christmas posada, which was held on December 17th, these teenagers, along with the help of several of the adult leaders of the congregation, made it possible for everyone, from youngest to oldest, to enjoy the celebration of the birth of their Savior.

The four scholarship students who receive guitar lessons from Santisima Trinidad’s pastor, Jose Hernandez, practiced the traditional posada songs for several weeks to help with their worship service. The children were part of the service, re-enacting Mary and Joseph’s search for lodging, and afterwards, they sang a beloved children’s song about the donkey carrying Mary to Bethlehem.

Food was provided by members of the congregation, with tamales being the main course, along with buñuelos and Mexican hot chocolate. Soon after the meal, the children received candy-bags known as bolos, along with a blanket and brand-new hand puppet.

The joy of this celebration was felt by all, from the youngest to oldest, and the work put into making it happen was appreciated by all who were there!