With two weeks dedicated to serving through the use of skills and talents, Kathy Carter, an ARNP from Lincoln, NE, kept herself busy through education workshops, organizing the warehouses of Ysleta Lutheran Mission Human Care (YLM), and partnering with San Pablo Lutheran Church to host foot care clinics on the two Wednesdays she was here.

Opportunities to share God’s love through simple acts of kindness were plenty
Working side by side with members of San Pablo Lutheran Church on both Wednesdays, over thirty men and women had their feet washed, were prayed over, and received specialized care and medical advice from Kathy. Multiple opportunities for the sharing of life stories presented themselves, with Kathy sharing her own experiences in return.
“I love doing foot care,” Kathy explained to one of the men as she filed away callouses, “Feet carry us everywhere and it’s very important to look after them.”
On her last Thursday morning at YLM, Kathy went to the Opportunity Center of El Paso, where a women’s homeless shelter welcomed her, along with a member of San Pablo, to give a Days for Girls workshop. Several of the reusable feminine hygiene kits were distributed, and afterwards, twelve women received help with their feet.
“It felt good to have someone show care for my feet,” Lily Mar, a woman from Venezuela, shared as her feet were being washed, “After six months of hiking through jungles to get here, I’ve dealt with corns and callouses, as well as fungus and even some open sores.”
One of the women, after getting her feet cared for and toenails painted by Kathy, volunteered to help paint the toenails of the other women. Several of the women shared their story with Kathy, stories of heartbreak and pain, receiving compassion from Kathy in return.
It is through simple acts of kindness, such as these, people experience care, love, and compassion from the people of God. If you would like to put your own skills and talents towards the love and care of others, give us a call at (915) 858-2588 or reach out via email to luz.soto@ylm.org