For the 14th time, a dedicated team of 20 participants from Bethel Lutheran Church in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, made the journey to Cd. Juarez to serve through Ysleta Lutheran Mission Human Care. Their mission: to bring hope and love to a young couple, Berenice and Jesús, in the KM30 neighborhood by building them a home just in time for the arrival of their first child.

The project site, located in the community of KM30, was buzzing with activity as the team worked tirelessly over five days to construct a sturdy and welcoming house. Each nail hammered, each wall raised, was a testament to the collective effort and love poured into this project. The youth in the team, many of whom were experiencing such a mission trip for the first time, found joy not only in the work but also in the bonds they formed with the local community.

The work was hard, but the reward was immeasurable. As the walls went up, so did the spirits of everyone involved. The young couple, whose lives were about to change in the most beautiful way, watched with gratitude as their future home took shape. It was more than just a building; it was a symbol of hope, security, and the love of a community that crossed borders to help them.

As the week progressed, the team made sure to balance their hard work with moments of connection and joy. For three days, they visited Comedor Emmanuel, where they had the opportunity to engage in fun activities with the local children. The laughter of the kids, their wide smiles, and the way they eagerly participated in games and crafts created memories that will be cherished by both the children and the team members alike. The youth from Bethel Lutheran particularly enjoyed these moments, finding them a highlight of their trip. These interactions weren’t just about fun—they were about building relationships, understanding different cultures, and sharing love in its most genuine form.

By Friday, the house was complete, and the team gathered for a special house blessing led by Pastor Hernandez. The blessing was a touching moment, filled with prayers for the family’s future and for the home to be a place of peace and joy. Overwhelming gratitude was expressed as Berenice embraced each member of the team, knowing this new chapter of their small family would begin in a home built with so much love.

This trip was a blend of hard work and heartwarming connections. It was about building more than just a house—it was about building relationships, spreading kindness, and sharing God’s love in tangible ways. As the team from Bethel Lutheran Church packed up and prepared to return home, they carried with them not just memories of the work they had done, but also the warmth and gratitude of a community they had touched so deeply. The impact of their service will be felt for years to come, both in the sturdy walls of the new home and in the hearts of those they served.

Give us a call at (915) 858-2588 or send an email to for more information on bringing a team of missionaries to serve through YLM! Our Servant Event Ministry is open to families, church-groups of all ages, and schools -YLM offers many opportunities to come face to face with Jesus in the desert!