Kathy answers questions concerning foot care and prevention
For over two decades, Kathy Meyer and Jayne Kurpius have been coming to Ysleta Lutheran Mission Human Care (YLM) to serve the people of their partnering mission-churches, both in El Paso and Mexico, in many different ways. Kathy, a registered nurse in Minnesota and Texas, has brought all her equipment to do diabetic foot care, and at times to give free basic haircuts, in past years, with Jayne helping her with the foot washing process.

Santa Biblia has no buildings, but Kathy successfully cared for several people outside in the open air
“I watched Jayne wash the feet of people who came to the foot clinic,” a staff member of YLM who helped translate shared afterwards, “She would ask the person if they had prayer requests, then in a mixture of English and Spanish, she would pray for them as she washed their feet. For me, it was watching Christ’s love in action through Jayne and Kathy.”
Kathy and Jayne arrived on a Friday, early evening, and proceeded to set up the space assigned for the first foot clinic, which started Saturday morning. By Saturday afternoon, Kathy and Jayne had lovingly served six people, among them two with diabetes.
On Monday, several people came to the foot clinic, including Pastor Karl Heimer, CEO of YLM, who had stepped on a few thorns on socked feet. Kathy successfully removed small thorns and assessed his feet before taking care of his toenails. About ten people were seen by Kathy and Jayne on Monday, with another ten on Tuesday.

Jayne prays over Nancy, her health, and her children as she washes her feet
On Wednesday, Kathy and Jayne packed up all of the equipment they needed and headed across the border to serve with care and compassion the people of Iglesias Luterana Santa Biblia and San Lucas in Anapra. While there, they were able to check the feet of several people, loving them through prayer and the care of their feet.
All in all, over thirty people experienced the love Jesus taught His disciples and called us to show, a love expressed through service to others. What a joy for those who witnessed and experienced this wonderful loving care from Kathy and Jayne!
“When He had washed their feet and put on His outer garments and resumed His place, He said to them, ‘Do you understand what I have done to you? You call Me Teacher and Lord, and you are right, for so I am. If I then, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another’s feet.’” ~John 13:12-14
If you are interested in using your skills in mission-work, or would like to find out how your church or family and friends could serve through YLM, give us a call at (915) 858-2588 and ask for Luz Soto, or e-mail her at luz.soto@ylm.org