Deaconess Virtual Classes

The enthusiasm was evident in their smiling eyes as they shared which of the previous deaconess courses they’ve enjoyed the most.

Virtual classes on Law & Gospel took place at San Lucas once a week

“I really liked the Law & Gospel course,” Yessika, one of four women from La Santa Biblia receiving deaconess training, shared after Wednesday’s distribution of food took place.  Michelle, the youngest at 18 , shared she really enjoyed the course on Mercy, sharing how the professors had really liked their presentation at the end of the course.

The instruction being received by these four women is coming from the Seminario Redentor in the Dominican Republic.  Back in 2019, as an effort to further strengthen the relationship between the Lutheran Mexican Synod and Ysleta Lutheran Mission Human Care (YLM), the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod’s International Missions office helped sponsor several women from four of YLM’s partnering mission-churches to travel to Tijuana for an intensive course of Liturgy and Worship.

The first weekend of March in 2020, Iglesias Luteranas de La Santa Biblia y San Lucas hosted a 4-day intensive deaconess course, with women flying in from Chihuahua City and Matamoros, which is situated across the border from Brownsville, Texas.

Karla (YLM liaison), Michelle, Elizabeth, Yessika, Caty, and Rosy

“It was a joy to have the opportunity to instruct these women,” Pastor Daniel Conrad, a missionary currently serving in Mexico City, commented during a break in between classes.  He, along with another pastor from Mexico City, came to help instruct the women on that weekend.

With the pandemic shutting down most cities, states, and countries just a weekend later, YLM and the Dominican Republic seminary worked together to find a way to continue the courses for the women still interested.

“The solution, of course, was to go virtual,” Karla, Business Manager of YLM, explained, “So we helped set up internet and donated a computer for them to use at San Lucas. We strongly support spiritual and leadership growth among all who partner with YLM.”

Karla has been serving as the liaison between the seminary and the mission-churches, where people of their congregations are all invited to attend.  From thirteen-year-old Javier, a member of San Lucas with a desire to become a missionary, to elderly women who cannot read but are able to listen to the information during the virtual classes, these courses have encouraged faith growth among many.

Caty (deaconess student) helps give out food bags to families who come to La Santa Biblia

“These four women have stuck it out through every course,” Rosy Lira, deaconess of three mission-churches partnering with YLM, shares every Tuesday during staff meeting, “They are dedicated, studious, and very bright.  The professors are constantly complimenting their hard work.”

Rosy still remembers the awe of her own acceptance into the deaconess program offered through the Hispanic Institute several years ago.  With only a primary education background, she refused to let that hold her back and worked hard to complete all assignments and courses.

Elizabeth hands out Arch books donated by Trinity Lutheran Church in Lincoln, NE

“It makes me happy to know these young women are consistent and determined to learn and grow,” Rev. Dr. Karl Heimer, CEO of YLM, shared with a smile, “I’m big on people learning and growing and becoming better versions of themselves.”

The most beautiful thing to witness is how these women are applying what they are learning to their day-to-day lives.  With smiles and kind words, they help Rosy organize and complete the Wednesday’s distributions, whether it is food, toys, or backpacks.  They also help gather individuals’ information for future events, such as upcoming Confirmation classes and fundraising to help build a better bathroom in the middle of the open field where the church building used to be. For Rosy, it is a joy to have this additional help with the rapidly growing needs for mercy and God’s Word among the increasing number of people coming to these mission-churches.

The next course on the Old Testament is set to start in September, with all four women ready and excited to start this new course.