Christmas is coming to YLM

At Ysleta Lutheran Church Human Care (YLM), we seek to partner with individuals, churches, and organizations in our effort to bring some cheer and warmth to children in our surrounding community, and across the border into Juarez, reminding them of the Greatest Gift of all by helping place Christmas gifts into their parents’ hands.

Toys are distributed to children in El Paso and Juarez every year through YLM

In this area of El Paso/Juarez, many families fall below the poverty level, struggling to keep a roof over their children’s head and food on the table.  By the time Christmas arrives, their struggle leaves them unable to purchase gifts for their children, something a child cannot fully understand.  Together, all those who are a part of YLM-from volunteers to supporters-have been able to help parents keep the harshness of life from impacting their children’s Christmas wonder.

Donations of toys are accepted year-round for this once a year distribution

All year long, donations of new and gently used toys have been cleaned, sorted and assembled into gift packs, to include blankets and children’s books.  YLM has been a real-life Santa’s workshop as volunteers work together to organize toys in accordance to age, from infants to young teenagers.  As this work to organize these donations continue in the next couple of months, with registration set to open in November, donations are still needed to ensure no child is left without a gift.

Gifts are packaged for toddlers to young pre-teens

For the last ten years or so, blankets have been a blessing to many families and their young children in Juarez and El Paso, where winter nights can be quite harsh despite the desert climate.  Along with these blankets, through a partnership with Operation Noel, we are able to distribute hundreds of jackets for children under thirteen years of age.  Last year, we were blessed to give jackets and toys to about 1500 children, with over 800 families receiving blankets.

With your help, hundreds of children will get to experience the joy of a gift this Christmas, one to remind them of the Greatest Gift of all.  Your support, whether through donations or volunteer hours, will help us be able to bring cheer and warmth to many children who are too familiar with poverty and need.  By having us work together to change a life through these simple acts of kindness, we can share the Love of God-the reason we celebrate Christmas.

Prayerfully consider helping during this wonderful time of giving, and contact us at (915) 858-2588 or at