Christ for Cuba

Children learning about Jesus and Christian values through music

Six years ago, San Pablo Lutheran Church and Ysleta Lutheran Mission Human Care (YLM) had the opportunity to work together during a three-month influx of Cuban refugees entering the United States through the Juarez/El Paso border.  These events impacted many of the members at San Pablo, and as they welcomed Associate Pastor John Benito Morejón, Cuban born and raised, they now prepare to embark on a mission to help bring God’s love and the Gospel of Christ to Cuba.

This mission is being done through the Proyecto de Arte y Adoracion (Art and Adoration Project), headed up by a music methodology teacher with a heart for Christ.

Children listen as their music instructor reads them Bible stories

“We started two months ago,” she explained over a video call, “The objective is to teach Christian values to children and youth through music and art.  Seventeen children meet at my house twice a week.  I teach them rhythm and melody, along with Christian values such as kindness, humility, loyalty, and God’s love for them.  They learn through songs such as Jesus Loves Me, What a Friend We Have in Jesus, and other children oriented Christian songs.”

Children learn rhythm and melody of songs such as “Jesus Loves Me” and “What a Friend We Have in Jesus”

From six-year-old to twelve year olds, this is an opportunity for them to learn God’s Word through music.  Along with voice, she also teaches guitar for those who have one, and wants to teach rhythm and percussion through the use of tambourines, bongos, and maracas.

One of the goals is to help children and adults grow through the study and learning of God’s Word

“We don’t have easy access to instruments,” she shared as she flipped the camera to show her antique piano, “So the children learn rhythm through hand-clapping, and I make do with this old piano to teach melody.  The important thing is these children are learning who God is and how much He loves them.”

She is also working with adults, meeting with them once a week for prayer.  Visits to the sick or those in need of kind words and actions are also taking place.  She hopes to make pottery workshops possible, wanting to recreate Biblical stories through artisan work, but this is still in the planning process.

“She is our missionary, set in place for such a time as this,” Rev. Dr. Karl Heimer, Senior Pastor of San Pablo and CEO of YLM, shared after a church council meeting, “We bring God’s love to the people in El Paso and Juarez through simple acts of kindness, music, and education.  She is doing the same in Cuba, and San Pablo is excited to take God’s Word to the nation of Cuba, and YLM is opening this mission to other churches and individuals.”

Be part of this exciting mission by donating to Christ for Cuba or call (915) 858-2588 to get information on how you can help San Pablo bring God’s Word to the people of Cuba.