Children and youth helped with the nativity storytelling for Santisima Trinidad’s Christmas service
Here in the Border cities of El Paso and Juarez, mission-churches partnering with Ysleta Lutheran Mission Human Care (YLM) celebrated Christmas, opening their doors and hearts to their surrounding communities through music, food, jackets, blankets, and most importantly, the joy of a Savior born to save us all.

San Pedro y San Pablo (KM30) had their posada in the house where the mission-church meets for worship, prayer, Bible study, and monthly health clinics
Santisima Trinidad, located on the east side of Juarez, hosted their first church wide fellowship event, with the scholarship recipients assisting with music, decorating, and other parts of the traditional posada celebrations done in Mexico.
Children helped re-enact the nativity story, dressing up as Joseph and Mary, shepherds and angels. At the end of their posada, after enjoying tamales, champurrado, and the fellowship, children received jackets and blankets were given to families.
The Saturday before Santisima Trinidad’s worship service and posada, the mission church they have started in KM30, which meets at the house of one of the members of this small mission, a posada was hosted with several dozen families and children gathering to celebrate the birth of Jesus. Kids received their jackets, and members worked together to provide food for those who came. This small home-church has been gathering for several years, working to reach out to more families within their small impoverished community.

San Esteban was packed for their Christmas posada service

Fellowship took place at all mission-churches after their Christmas worship services
Four hours into Mexico, out in Chihuahua, the two mission-churches there also celebrated their posadas along with distributing their jackets and toys. Pastor Misael Tovar shared how wonderful it was to see San Esteban, located in the little town of San Lorenzo, filled with families.
“If my mother had been there, she would have been so happy,” he shared with the YLM staff and mission-church leaders, “She loved celebrating Christmas with children and it was such a joy to see all their faces.”
Children colored activity pages Pastor Misael puts together for them, jackets and blankets were received with joy, and the celebration of Christ was felt by everyone present.
For San Pablo Lutheran Church in El Paso, Texas, their posada took place the week before Christmas at their first Christmas Festival, which included their toy and jacket distribution along with booths of free activities and food. On Christmas Eve, children and teenagers gathered in the side room to dress up as angels, shepherds, magi, Joseph and Mary. For San Pablo, the pastorela (nativity re-enactment) is a tradition for the Christmas Eve service. Afterwards, members and visitors gathered in the kitchen for tamales, champurrado, and buñuelos, the fellowship allowing for conversations, laughter, and connection.