Blessed to Give

Unloading starts soon as the OGT arrives

To receive an all-staff text stating the Orphan Grain Train (OGT) will be arriving with a full 53’ container of donations for Ysleta Lutheran Mission Human Care (YLM) is a joyful time for everyone involved.  Early morning, after the arrival of OGT, staff members and volunteers gather to start unloading pallets filled with boxes of clothes, toys, school supplies, medical supplies, furniture, and so many other things.  It’s always fun to hear the exclamations of “we were needing that” or “that’s going to help so-and-so” as boxes are sorted through to send them to where they will be most effective.

This is exactly how, soon after OGT left with an empty container, Pastor Sosa arrived, pulling along his own loading trailer.  Last year, Rev Dr. Karl Heimer, CEO of YLM and Senior Pastor at San Pablo Lutheran Church, connected with Pastor Sosa, who works with shelters along the Texas/Mexico border.  Since then, YLM and San Pablo have worked together to send much-needed resources to these shelters through Pastor Sosa.

“All hands on deck” is the motto when large donations are brought to YLM

With medical supplies among the donations, and knowing where they would make the most impact, Pastor Heimer called Pastor Sosa to let him know there would be more for him to take, along with the two pallets of beans he was already on his way to pick up.  With the help of one of his own volunteers, they were able to take three pallets of medical supplies, two pallets of beans, and about ninety boxes of clothing and shoes for men, women, and children.

“We’re so blessed,” Pastor Heimer shared as Pastor Sosa and Hugo, his helper, drove off, “We have more than enough, there’s no reason why we should keep anything, because God is providing for us, so we give to others as they have need.”

Medical supplies are desperately needed at the shelters along the Texas/Mexico border

One of those blessed provisions is several pallets of quilts and blankets.  In 2020, due to the sudden weather changes in October, blankets and quilts were given away every Saturday through the Drive-Thru Food Pantry, several thousand blankets were taken across the border to be distributed at La Santa Biblia, Cristo Rey, San Lucas, and at Santisima Trinidad.  A good hundred or so blankets were taken to one of the homeless shelters in Juarez where Pastor Benito goes to share God’s love and Word with Cuban refugees.  By the end of the year, YLM’s inventory of blankets, quilts, and afghans were depleted.

Collecting blankets and quilts to prepare for 2021 winter needs

“We were definitely going to need to start stocking up on blankets and quilts,” Maritza Hernandez-Muñoz, member of San Pablo Lutheran Church, explained as boxes were taken to the thrift shop as donations towards San Pablo, and others taken to YLM warehouses, where they would be collected, sorted, and prepared for annual distributions, “It was a pleasant surprise to see how many boxes with blankets and quilts came with this donation.  We’re so thankful for God’s provision through so many wonderful people.  We’ll be able to collect throughout the year, along with toys and school supplies, so we can give out these much needed items for this 2021 year to our communities in El Paso and Juarez.”  It is thanks to supporters of the ministry taking place at and through YLM, many people are able to receive much needed help in the form of food, blankets, toys, school supplies and backpacks, jackets, and much more.  There’s much thanksgiving to God for His continued provision as continued preparations to help those who are in need take place, as well as sharing God’s love and His Word to those who’s need goes deeper than the physical.

“Let us then approach the throne of grace with confidence,
so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.”

Hebrews 4:16