“Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it?
I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.”
Isaiah 43:19

For 26 years, Trinity Lutheran Church’s Youth Group has visited Ysleta Lutheran Mission Human Care (YLM) for their annual mission trip. This year’s team of 13 youth and adults, many returning, shared the sentiment, “I feel like I am home.” One newcomer noted the joy everyone had in being here.

The trip began with a visit to Iglesia Luterana Santisima Trinidad in Juarez, MX, where the team reunited with Pastor Pepe Hernandez and local families. Despite the language barrier, they experienced a powerful shared worship. The team visited the site where they would build a new home for a family of five, knowing their work would transform the family’s life and their own.

For these short-term missionaries, each day centered on prayer, devotions, and sharing their highs, lows, and “God sightings.” They shared an experience from a previous year, where they forgot to start the day with prayer, which led to experiencing multiple challenges. Since that year, they continuously dedicate everything they do to God, which has led to experiencing a week of seamless work and beautiful interactions.

At the work site, they met Juan, father of the family receiving this new home. Eager to help, Juan took the week off work and participated, from construction to prayers. At midday, his wife, Alicia, and their children joined for lunch, which led to a different kind of building –strong bonds and long-lasting friendships.

Over five days, an emerald-green house with white trim rose against the desert backdrop of the neighborhood. Juan and Alicia, and their four children, would now have a home of their own. More importantly, deep connections formed between Juan’s family and the Trinity team, which would last long past the week they spent together. An adult team member shared, “Building the house takes a back seat to the love of Juan’s family.” The recurring theme of the week was the unity of individuals into one family.

The final day had Pastors Jose Hernandez and James Henning leading a heartfelt house dedication, with music, Scripture reading, and prayer over the home. Emotions ran high as Juan expressed profound gratitude, welcoming the team to return to visit. Juan’s children, Carlos and Betty, were moved to tears by the love and generosity they experienced from this team.

Friday night, Trinity’s tradition has been to celebrate with dinner and a visit to the Scenic Overlook up in the Franklin Mountains, where the view of the lights of El Paso and Juarez can be breathtaking. On the drive back, a deep, spiritual conversation unfolded among the young adults, so intense it captivated the driver and navigator. The Holy Spirit’s presence was palpable, highlighting the profound transformation within the team.

What a week! This is what a YLM Servant Event mission trip is all about –getting out of your comfort zone, away from the distractions of the world, and open to the time given to focus on God. Too many distractions always leads to missing those “God sightings”! Let the Holy Spirit reveal what life is truly about by joining a YLM Servant Event mission trip.

Call (915) 858-2588 for more information about YLM’s Servant Event mission trips
or email today!