“First-timers” is the perfect description for the mission team from St. John and Renewal Lutheran Churches, both from Denver, CO. For many, it wasn’t their first time on a mission trip, and they shared stories of the numerous places they had served and shared the love of Jesus. However, it was their first time serving with Ysleta Lutheran Mission Human Care (YLM) on the border of El Paso, TX, and Ciudad Juarez, MX, a community of over 2 million souls.

These “first-timers” to YLM were a diverse group: ages 15 to over 60, men and women, a married couple, a father and son, a mother and son, sisters, and the one and only Michael. This team of 11 brought a full and ambitious schedule: building a home in Anapra for Jesús, a single father of two children; leading a 4-day children’s Vacation Bible School (VBS) at Iglesia Luterana San Lucas in Anapra along with a 4-day Women’s Ministry. Wow!

After arriving on Saturday, the team settled into the dorms at YLM and enjoyed dinner together at a local El Paso restaurant, fostering fellowship as they got better acquainted. Sunday began with breakfast by Rita, YLM’s contract cook, followed by devotion and worship at San Pablo Lutheran Church. After lunch with Rita, they drove to Juarez to familiarize themselves with San Lucas and the layout for their kids’ and women’s activities, and to see where they would build Jesús’ new home, getting the opportunity to meet him. For some, it was a familiar experience, while for others, it was eye-opening and new. Returning to El Paso, they enjoyed one of Rita’s amazing homecooked dinners.

Each morning, the team dedicated themselves to the work and glory of God before heading across the border. Upon arriving at San Lucas, tools and materials for the home build site were loaded up, then they divided into groups for their three projects, heading off to their appointed mission work. By noon, the teams reconvened for lunch, sharing their morning experiences with each other.

Over the course of five days, this team of 11 accomplished what many experienced home-building teams do: a beautiful, new home for a family, complete with fresh paint selected by the new homeowner, windows, a door, drywall, a metal roof, insulation, and electricity. However, that wasn’t all they accomplished; they also took the time to converse and pray with the women of the congregation, play with the children and teach them of God’s deep love for them, and shared the grace of God in Jesus Christ in a way they hadn’t experienced before.

“We really enjoyed the time spent with the women of this team,” Rosy Lira, deaconess for San Lucas, shared the week after, “They took the time to listen to our stories, to show us how to study Scripture, to give us opportunities to express our faith in different ways. I felt seen and heard, and I know the other women did too.”

While most teams who serve through YLM’s Servant Event ministry focus on projects such as construction, Vacation Bible School, and health-related clinics, this team’s desire to do Women’s Ministry, unique and for the first-time, created a new hunger in the women of the church. An even greater blessing was the leaving behind of materials, devotions, and Bible study guides, which Rosy is already working with the leadership team at Cristo Rey, another of YLM’s partnering mission-churches in Juarez, to replicate. What an amazing blessing!

On Friday, Pastor Lozano of San Lucas and Cristo Rey blessed the house along with the team, family and friends of Jesús, and the members of his church. After presenting the house keys to Jesus, they celebrated with a big Mexican fiesta, enjoying food, singing, and fellowship.

For a bunch of “first-timers” to YLM, God accomplished so much through this team. They are eager to return and continue the women’s ministry and would like to try new projects like a sports camp for youth, and, of course, building another new home for a family.

When asked about their experience at YLM, one of the team leaders shared, “I have been on a lot of different mission trips. This was one of the best. And the kids want to come back, too.” One of the youths added, “1,000,000%! It’s the best thing I’ve done!” Michael, who never hesitated to express his faith at every opportunity throughout the week, exclaimed, “¡Gloria a Dios!”

The St. John and Renewal Servant Event mission team fit right into YLM’s mission and ministry as if they’ve been here before. Even Rita, who has been cooking for Servant Event teams for 20 years, commented about this team of “first-timers,” saying, “I feel like I know them.”

Could this have been a partnership designed by God? For all involved, the answer is a joyful and resounding “Yes!”

If you’re interested in learning how you can bring a team to serve through YLM’s Servant Event ministry, give us a call at (915) 858-2588 or send an email to luz.soto@ylm.org!