The recent Mexico Youth Gathering held August 1-4 in Mexico City, was an incredible experience for five young people from three of Ysleta Lutheran Mission Human Care’s (YLM) partnering mission-churches in Cd. Juarez. For three of these youth, it was their first time flying, and though nerves were high, Michelle Lira, a fellow attendee, was there to comfort and guide them through the new experience. Her reassuring words and clear explanations eased their anxiety, making the journey more enjoyable.

The group arrived in Mexico City late at night, where they were warmly greeted by Pastors Neftali and Isaac Garcia. Despite the late hour, their excitement was palpable. The next morning began with a hearty breakfast served by dedicated adult volunteers, including Pastor Isaac, president of the Mexico Lutheran Synod. That first breakfast set the tone for the gathering, creating a warm and welcoming environment for the 59 youth from various churches across Mexico, including Tamaulipas, Tijuana, Mexicali, Mexico City, and Ciudad Juarez.

Lodging at the Centro Luterano in Mexico City was comfortable, providing a cozy and convenient setting for the event. Over the next three days, the youth engaged in sessions led by pastors, delving deep into the teachings of “Sin and its Consequences”, “Christ and His Forgiveness”, and “Living a Christian Life”. These sessions were more than just lectures; they were interactive, inviting the youth to participate, ask questions, and share their thoughts. The discussions were lively and engaging, fostering a deeper understanding and connection to their faith.

But it wasn’t all study and no play! The gathering also featured fun games, activities, and crafts, which provided ample opportunities for the youth to bond with one another. The sounds of laughter and animated conversations filled the air as new friendships were formed and phone numbers exchanged. The camaraderie and sense of community were strong, making the experience even more memorable.

The return flight to Ciudad Juarez was a quiet one, with all the youth catching up on sleep after the whirlwind of activities. Upon arrival, they were greeted by their parents, eager to hear about their adventures. The youth couldn’t wait to share their experiences and expressed their desire to attend the gathering again next year.

Michelle Lira summed up the experience perfectly in a message to YLM: “It was spiritually filling to be surrounded by other young people who love and serve God. I grew in my faith, and I am grateful for all the help that made this experience possible for me.”

Three of the youth eagerly shared their experiences with their congregation at Santísima Trinidad the Sunday after their return. Their smiles and the joy in their voices spoke volumes about the impact of the gathering, leaving the congregation inspired and uplifted. The Mexico Youth Gathering was not just an event but a life-changing experience that deepened the faith and strengthened the bonds within this vibrant community.

An immense thank you to all who supported this endeavor through prayers and generous donations, making it possible for them to grow in their faith in the presence of other Lutheran youth throughout Mexico.

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