1st Communion at San Lucas

Pastor Lozano gives the Communion for the first time to Javier, Gloria, and Naomi

Pastor Lozano lights their candles before inviting them and their families to stand before the altar

Iglesia Luterana San Lucas is one of two mission-churches in Anapra partnering with Ysleta Lutheran Mission Human Care (YLM) for the purpose of bringing the Gospel to their surrounding community. San Lucas has been instrumental during these last two years in providing shelter for refugees from parts of South America and as far as Haiti. Pastor Javier Lozano, shepherd of San Lucas along with two other mission-churches, one which is in central Juarez, has been working hard to help instruct the members of San Lucas.

On Wednesdays, he holds a Bible study in the afternoon, with 8-10 people attending; a couple of teenage boys and a teenage girl, along with several older women. Along with studying Scripture, helping them understand the Gospel, and explain the Lutheran doctrine, Pastor Lozano also offers comfort amidst the many troubles carried by these individuals through prayer and God’s Word.

Through this instruction, 1st Communion eligible youth received instruction on the Sacraments, God’s redeeming work in Jesus Christ, and other necessary faith-growing topics. The initial class count was seven youth, with only three –Javier, Gloria, and Naomi –completing the course in due time. Their families, along with the congregation, gathered to watch as these young people stepped forward in faith to receive communion for the first time.

Families stand with their children as Pastor Lozano leads them through the proclamation of their faith

Javier, a fifteen-year-old boy who helps upkeep the grounds of San Lucas once he gets out of school, has a desire to become a missionary. Pastor Javier has helped provide him with a Bible and a Small Catechism, as well as other resources for him to learn more of God’s Word. Though shy, Javier has an eagerness to grow closer to God and is always willing to ask the YLM missionaries who come, whether from El Paso or through Servant Event teams, about God and their own faith journey.

After the service, Pastor Javier brought out two cheesecakes to celebrate, with Naomi and Gloria working together to cut, plate, and give out to all the congregation members who witnessed their 1st Communion.

“We are excited to seeing where God is taking these young people,” Pastor Lozano shared afterwards, “These three are now moving into confirmation classes, and I am working with the other four to get them through 1st communion classes. Not only that, but I have eight adults whom I am instructing for baptism next month.”

As San Lucas continues to open its doors and offer it’s help to those in need, whether it is shelter, counsel, or spiritual instruction, we pray God continue to bring His love and comfort to those He calls His own.